Big News!
I have been talking with my friend, who I will call High School Prom Queen, and she has been giving me cooking tips. She manages a family with three kids as well, volunteers, updates her household, exercises with me, teaches Religious Ed... all these things and she can still manage to create enticing, enjoyable, scrumptious meals for her family of five like pratically EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!
Sooo, in taking her culinary advice, I am going to attempt to pick out, and purchase, and take home, and de-gut, and wipe off, and pat dry, and lubricate and salt and pepper, and cook in a roasting pan (which I need to buy one of those too) a...
She says it's really easy.
PS... although I can't attempt this tonight because I've organized a neighborhood ladies' night out so while, I won't be in the kitchen whipping up a roasted chicken, I may have some funny stuff to post about all the Desperate Housewives and what happens when you get twenty of us together in a room at a restaurant with a two-hour open bar.
I am glad to see that you are still not on your hiatus. I enjoy reading your funny and entertaining antedotes on a daily basis. Have fun tonight! Your friend must be on ritilan(sp?) to be able to do all the the things you metioned! Remember that episode of desperate housewives!
I don't do whole birds. They freak me out. Boneless and skinless is the only way for me. Good luck molesting that chicken! Yeck!
Anon--believe it or not, I have NEVER seen a Desperate Housewives episode! I figure, why watch it when I'm living it! LOL. My friend will LOVE hearing that she's on ritalin now too!
Eatmis--I don't do bones either. Yuck.
Ben Stiller Eats Dead Geese Very Sloppily--ICK!
Good luck! I don't cook. For the past 5 nights, since Hubs has been in England, I've been on my own. Not my idea of a good time!
Erin Picks Juicy Slippery Wax eXcitedly.
Hey! It's is SOO easy and it makes you look like Martha Stewart without the stripes...
you drunken lush, you. Some of us are gearing up for NANOWRIMO at 1:30 in the a.m. You, you're puking in someone's taxi or on someone's wall. You know I love ya.
oh, Assholic Republican Sailor Owes Henry Beer
Christa--regarding your WV--shouldn't you have said ALCOHOLIC??? I was well-behaved last night, three drink max--vodka, cranberry, splash of OJ.
Kick my butt into nanowrimowhatever gear!
People Joke Only But Never Pray Well
LOL I made a roast chicken tonight for dinner!
Christa!!! "Assholic" is trademarked sweetie...well I guess you can borrow it, but a works cited would be nice!
Very friendly ladies quickly retell silly quotes.
OK, I'm always asking myself--why does she have time to cook? Why is her house actually decorated? Who actually climbed up there to put those matching pots on that really high shelf, anyway? Why don't I do stuff like that?
Answer to most such questions: Because I'd rather have written a book than roasted a chicken. Grocery stores roast chickens. Get your head out of that oven and WRITE! (You know you want too...)
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