Manic Mom's Mental Myriads

Stop by and have a laugh from Manic Mom's Mental Myriads on Motherhood, and some other stuff too, but mostly motherhood, wifehood, thoughts on writing, etc. No politics will be discussed here or geography, and I will not be solving any mathematical equations. Just some BS on whatever I feel like blogging on...

Tuesday, March 08, 2005



You've all received the emails from The Gap, or Victoria's Secret or Microsoft saying if you forward this email you have the chance to win large sums of money or gift certificates. Those are all fake my friend, but this here... this is a real actual contest I have made up in order to promote my Blog.

Would you like to get a gift card for anywhere you desire for $15? Okay, I know it's not a lot, but it will buy you that book you've been eyeing (if it's not hardcover), or pay for a couple drinks so you can send one over to a hottie you may be admiring at the bar (shout out DD!), or you can get your eyebrows waxed or go to Chili's and have an Awesome Blossom and a margarita on me!

Here's all you have to do--
Answer this question in twenty-five words or less and email your response to:

What attracts you to Manic Mom's Mental Myriads?

Now, of course, as with any contest, there are some rules:

1. If you are a relative of mine, either through blood or marriage, you are ineligible.

2. If you are a friend or acquaintance and we have spent some time together in person within the last six months, you are also ineligible.

3. If you are a stranger browsing the internet and have found my Blog, you are eligible.

4. If we know each other through internet correspondence, but have never met in person and are not related by blood or marriage, you are eligible.

5. If you think my Blog is stupid, you also are ineligible.

6. Must keep it to 25 words or less.

7. Must send my blog link to at least two other people you know who do not currently read my Blog (and, obviously, there is no way for me to track this--I'm just going to trust that if I'm nice enough to be holding a contest where I will give away some of my hard earned cash, and believe me, it is hard-earned, then I trust you will be kind enough to share my blog link with some of your friends who you think might get a laugh or two from MMMM!

All answers will be posted on this blog at a later date, and responses should be submitted before March 31. Winner will be announced on or near my birthday (if you know my birthday, and are the winner, I'll up the prize to $20!)

Again, send responses to:
and please include your full name, city and state and current email address so I may contact you. (If you are the winner, I'll get your mailing address after the contest.)

I will not personally judge the responses to decide the winner. I'll make Scott do it.


At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I hate even the idea of chainmail and pushing things on others, so item seven makes me ineligible. And then there's the problem of 'full name .. email address.' Hey! I need to remain anonymous!

But, if I were to answer the question, I'd say:

"I've always been into autobiographies.
You're normal.
You can spell and have a decent handle on grammar.
It's an interesting blog.
That was twenty-one words."

I do hope you get lots of readers, though. Good luck 4M!

At 7:13 PM, Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

LBCK--I respect your need to remain annonymous, and I too, hate chainmail, email, etc. But, so far, you're the only one who has opted to send in an answer, so maybe you'll win! : )

At 7:14 PM, Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

LBCK--I respect your need to remain annonymous, and I too, hate chainmail, email, etc. But, so far, you're the only one who has opted to send in an answer, so maybe you'll win! : )

At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...comments are working again!!

Well instead of emailing your link to two ppl I added your link to my blog page...even though not a ton of ppl visit my blog, there are a few!!!

I like your blog because it appeals to all SAHMs. We can relate to your life, and feel like someone does understand what it is like...


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