Manic Mom's Mental Myriads

Stop by and have a laugh from Manic Mom's Mental Myriads on Motherhood, and some other stuff too, but mostly motherhood, wifehood, thoughts on writing, etc. No politics will be discussed here or geography, and I will not be solving any mathematical equations. Just some BS on whatever I feel like blogging on...

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I'm grounded. On credit-card suspension with no parole in sight.

And it's not like I use it frivously for Prada, Anne Taylor, Gucci, etc. Hell, I buy my shoes at Payless and Target! (I think I'm grounded because I spent $90 on a pair of good quality running shoes so I can get in shape and lose some weight and find me a rich, new man! hee, hee, just kidding, honey, we all know it's "Cheaper-to-keep-her!.)

In other Manic Mom news, I have the first sentence of my second novel figured out, as well as the final three sentences. I can tell you the jist of the first part:

She didn't remember if she chose special underwear to wear that night. She didn't think anyone else would be seeing them.

Can't tell you the last line. Tomorrow, I may work on the 380 pages I'll need in between the bread of those two lines to make me a novel sandwich!

One good thing about credit-card suspension is I'll have no reason not to sit here in front of an empty page and try to think of something clever to write.


At 9:21 PM, Blogger Nancy French said...

I just wrote my LAST chapter... I haven't written "the end" yet, because I want to squeeze one more chapter in there somewhere... BUt, it was thrilling to get that last chapter done!!

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Write away girl! Just finished 40 Weeks! Loved it! I'll email you about it tomorrow.

But, is there more than 2 lines to the epilogue? That's all that was there and I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WITH J.!

I've been on c.card suspension for, like, 7 years now. I keep violating my parole...

Oooo, my word verf. is hthrub. HEART THROB?

At 7:50 AM, Blogger momma of 2 said...

Credit Card is a bad word in my house.

Good luck with your new book!

At 8:03 AM, Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Anna--it will be fun, if I actually start it today like I said I was going to! Ha. Really though, I have about 25,000 words written already but in no particular order. It's like putting a puzzle together to make sense of it all!

Nancy--CONGRATS!!! I cannot wait to read it! I cannot wait for your publicity tour to bring you to Oprah where you will definitely have the clout to then get me front row tix! Is the title still the same!

Erin--Thank YOU!!!! I would love to hear your comments. Anyone else who's at Manic regularly, if you want to read it, I'll share.

Momma of 2--I am in soooo much trouble. I am on lockdown I think. No more Target for me!

Everyone have a great week!

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, my hubby says we $5 and $10 ourselves to's amazing how the little things add up!

At 9:27 AM, Blogger her master said...

You know about The Phantom Professor right?


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