Manic Mom's Mental Myriads

Stop by and have a laugh from Manic Mom's Mental Myriads on Motherhood, and some other stuff too, but mostly motherhood, wifehood, thoughts on writing, etc. No politics will be discussed here or geography, and I will not be solving any mathematical equations. Just some BS on whatever I feel like blogging on...

Monday, September 26, 2005

People Take Things WAY Too Seriously

All I said was, "There's nothing wrong with formula."

People are cyber-stoning me. I'm getting attacked like I've said Satan Is King or I Support Child Pornography over at Conversations.

But this cool chick Nello has something to say about it!

Thanks K!


At 7:12 PM, Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Erin--I still owe you the copy of 40--send me another email to my address and I'll send you the copy asap!

At 7:17 PM, Blogger momma of 2 said...

I posted earlier - and now it's gone... oh well...

My comment was - I am sick of people who are so self-centered that they can't see what is best for the child... they sit there and judge me/you/whoever because they made a choice and they think everyone else should have made the same choice... yeah BF is good, but realistically not every mom can do it, (choice not to, Medical reasons etc) I wanted to - but unfortunately it wasn't what was best for my kids...they needed nutrition. I was sick (Staph Infection after each C-section) I pumped and dumped for two weeks, hoping to keep my milk up - and I just couldn't heal. I had to stop, and then when I was finally better (off antibiotics 18 wks later)- they were doing so well on the bottle, I didn't go back to Bf'ing.

Tell em to get over themselves... they aren't worth your time.

At 7:27 PM, Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

momma of 2--see those people at Conversations just assume like I'm some cruel, lazy, selfish mom who didn't even want to try to bfeed. I did. Didn't work. I can't stand how they think they are superior mothers and that their children will be smarter. Ugh!

At 5:12 AM, Blogger nurse pica said...

as a nurse i always try to promote breastfeeding, but if you dont want to or cant so be it...its your decision and its your choice and nobody has a right to judge you. as long as the kid gets his food its fine...

however it is crucial to give breast milk in the first 48 hours since this wont be milk but colostrum, a sort of milk which prevents disease.

other than that, do what you please, it isnt anyone's business anyway.

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Nancy French said...

Hey Stephanie! Yikes. You know how to get people riled up.


At 11:05 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Stephanie! Since you linked me my blog has BLOWN UP! So many visitors coming from your site!!
I mean... I knew you were popular... but didn't know HOW popular! Thanks for letting me leech off your popularity... if only for a day! ;)

At 8:05 AM, Blogger cubmommy said...

I hate when moms judge other moms. I thought we were suppose to support each other. Being a mother is hard enough then to have people critize you. That sucks.

We have to stick together!

Love your blog!!!

At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL that was so funny, and the sad thing is most of those anon ppl probably don't have kids...and are men. But hey whatever floats their butts onto a soapbox!

I still love ya!

At 3:38 PM, Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Kelly--that's what it's all about! Sharing what others want to say! It's funny to hear that you've gotten a lot of traffic cuz I don't think I have that many readers!

Thanks to everyone who went over to Conversations and stuck up for me! That continues to be hilarious!

At 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with Charity--some of those commenters sounded like men. Add breastfeeding to politics and religion on subjects that cannot be voiced . . . who knew? :)


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