Manic Mom's Mental Myriads

Stop by and have a laugh from Manic Mom's Mental Myriads on Motherhood, and some other stuff too, but mostly motherhood, wifehood, thoughts on writing, etc. No politics will be discussed here or geography, and I will not be solving any mathematical equations. Just some BS on whatever I feel like blogging on...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Week In Progress

How many moms out there "binge-eated" on the first day of school? I know of at least one or two others (you know who you are, my sweet, dear, dearest bird!--hee hee!) We have decided there is a "Back-to-school" disease or state of depression. You're so excited to be getting a teeny bit of freedom, yet as soon as I came back to the house after the bus roared them away, I got a lump in my throat and cried. In no time, they will be gone.

Anyway, here's what I ate to fill the void of my missing children yesterday, even though I did have one completely adorable little guy attached to me all day, enjoying Mommy's sometimes undivided attention:
(Okay, I'll admit to you right now that I am trying desperately to remember what yesterday's food intake consisted of, and crap, I can't even remember if I ate breakfast or not!)...

I do know I ate fritos, granola bar, chocolate chips, chocolate chip and chocolate teddy grahams, pizza... starbucks... My brain is fried. Most of my food is too!

So, how did the kids do at school?

Ajers: No brainer with starting second grade. The only major problem with him is telling him he CANNOT go out to wait for the bus at 7:15 when it doesn't even arrive until 7:55! He gets up, dresses, pees (AND PUTS THE SEAT DOWN--I trained 'em early!), brushes his teeth, goes downstairs and even started making his own mini-micowavable pancakes. Last year, he was even letting me sleep until the absolute last minute then gently waking me up so I could wave him off to school. Just wish kids were always this excited about school.

Diva: Another story. She was all excited about first grade, has already ridden the bus, so I didn't think we'd have any problems. But yesterday, day one of first grade, we go out to wait for the bus. She gets very quiet and shy, even though she knows every single one of the eight girls and four boys at the bus stop. Then she confides in me that she is not sure where to line up or where her classroom is or what her teacher looks like. Fortunately, one of the older girls at the stop said she would show Diva where her class was. This older girl also mentioned that Diva's teacher is "A little hard" and that "She pushes you." I'm almost going to dread this already.

She gets off the bus after school and comes running into my arms, crying to me that she missed me. I picked her up and hugged her tightly. Oh, how I missed my little darling for those six hours she was away! How am I going to part from her on a daily basis now?

It got much easier two minutes later when she bolted out of my arms and headed to the neighbors to play, coming home at six p.m. only to bitch to me that "Why did you get my Take Home folder out of my backpack!?!?!?!" Cripes. And today when she woke up, she immediately started bitching at me because her alarm clock wasn't set (she's NEVER used a freaking alarm clock!) and how would she know how to get up if it wasn't set. DUH. She was already awake!

Then she started going downstairs in her jammies, and I was like, "NO! Gotta get dressed up here, and now!" Cranky, bitchy, crabby. My darling Diva. First grade is gonna suck. (Well, the part from the time she wakes up till the time she gets onto the bus!)

And then, there's little Tukey Pie, who doesn't start his three-day afternoon pre-school program until after Labor Day (and consequently--right word?--just after he turns FOUR!)...who cuddled and snuggled and talked baby talk to me all day long, taking full advantage of his alone time with me. And I just loved it when I asked him if he needed a bath and he lifts up his arm, points to his arm pit and exclaims:

"Smell this bad boy."

I did, and it smelled wonderful... all little boy and I could just eat him up, my Tukey Pie!


At 8:21 AM, Blogger momma of 2 said...

I so understand - yesterday was big Guy's first day of Kindergarten...yep we ate... and then ate some more...

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Erin said...

My kids aren't old enough to go to school ... yet I am still eating like a little oinker.

Wait ....
I hear the Oreos calling me!

Gotta RUN!

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Nancy French said...

Camille doesn't go until Sept 6th!

So I have a little more time!

At 11:27 AM, Blogger eatmisery said...

Believe me, teachers hate the first day of school more than Moms.

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Devon said...

OH! I can't relate to the school thing but my oldest turned four a couple months back. I LOVE four! They are so on the verge of being big but still so cuddly and sweet.

At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL poor Diva...oh and poor mom!
Tay started pre-k this year, and I wish it was like yours! She has to go five days a week from 8am-2:30pm!!! Everyday!!!

Thats Georgia for you, has to be different!

Can someone hand me the bag of oreos please??

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I loved summer break but I was honestly ready for school to start back up. Kiddo was starting to drive me bonkers. The time he's gone flies by... he just finished up his 4th week of 2nd grade. I need a nap!


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